I don't want to start off another entry apologizing for having been gone for so long, but I feel like I've kind of dropped off the face of the blogging planet. Honestly, I haven't written anything because I don't feel like I've had much to write about. Or I just don't feel like writing period. Whatever. Still, it would be a shame to let the Shookie's birthday party go by without saying anything, so I'll tell you a bit about that. Maybe that'll get the creative juices going again.
We decided to throw the Shookie a Superhero birthday party this year, stealing the idea from friends of ours in AZ whose son is about the same age. We thought it would be fun to ask the kids to come dressed as their favorite Superhero, considering they all love dressing up as Spiderman and Batman and Darth Vader whenever they get together anyways. I went out to Party City and picked up a variety of their "themed" stuff ... a Spiderman table cloth, Batman cups, Incredibles napkins ... you get the idea. The Shookie insisted on being Yoda for the party, despite our trying to explain that he's wasn't exactly a "Superhero". "Dad, Jedi's are Superhero's", he stated emphatically. Can't argue with that logic! So, T found a cute Yoda costume (we bought the kid-sized version obviously), which our little Jedi wore with great pride.
I was hoping to do some sort of theme-appropriate craft during the party, like have the kids decorate Superhero masks, but we ran out of time. Instead, we decided to have the kids decorate their cupcakes. We put a few drops of food coloring in each ramekin of frosting and voila!, we had all the colors of the rainbow. The kidlets really enjoyed slathering their red velvet cupcakes (made by the greatest hubby in the world) with the colorful sweetness. My SIL also brought some really cool gummy candies for the kids to decorate the cupcakes with (including this one, which the Shookie asked for specifically, having had one at my niece's birthday party). They were a huge hit, and a riot to watch the kids try and eat.
I was a little disappointed when none of our friends from church brought their kids in a Superhero costume. For a second there, I thought the Shookie was going to be the only one in a costume (which considering he had Yoda ears on would have looked a little funny). I was actually thankful that the Shookie is young enough not to realize he was the only one dressed up. A few years from now, and it would have been Embarrassment City. Thankfully, my SIL saved the day and brought my niece in a cute Superwoman costume. And ... she and my BIL wore matching "Super Auntie" and "Super Uncle" t-shirts. Seriously, I think I have the best SIL in the whole wide world. Super Auntie indeed!
The rest of the fiesta was pretty much what you'd expect ... the singing of "Happy Birthday" (T thought to give each child his or her own candle in their cupcakes, which I loved), the opening of presents (like last year, the Shookie's friends stood inches away from him, watching his every move. LOL!), the running around of crazy little people, whooping it up and loving every sugar-crazed moment. The 'rents (plus a few other friends we asked to join us) enjoyed hanging out, eating pizza and drinking red wine. MmmmMmmm!
I definitely feel like the birthday party was a success. I could tell the Shookie's friends had a good time, and the birthday boy definitely did. The room was full of our friends and family, all having a great time together. What more could I ask for? The other thing that stood out in my mind was that I felt like we had just been celebrating the Shookie's 3rd birthday ... the year went by SO fast. It's just flown by, which I think is a sign of how happy I've been lately. It's been a hard year, but a joyful one too. I'm so thankful for my sweet boy and the love he brings to all of our friends and family. I am truly, truly blessed. Happy 4th Birthday Shookie!
P.S. I'd post pictures of the party here, but the only one's I have are on Kodak.com. If you'd like to see them, let me know and I'll e-mail them to you.