Last we spoke, yours truly was suffering from kick-my-butt fatigue, for which there wasn't any obvious reason other than a possible slight case of anemia. I took your advice and tracked down some Floradix, which I plan on taking in place of the gut-busting prescription Dr. R gave me. But you know what? I don't think that iron deficiency was/is the cause of how I was feeling. I think day after day after day of not getting enough sleep was the reason.
You see, when it was so hot this summer, I had started to sleep upstairs on the couch, where I could stay cool in our air conditioned living room. That was great while it lasted, but after a while I noticed that I was waking up multiple times a night and was often very uncomfortable for long periods of time. And I certainly wasn't waking up well-rested. But I just chalked it up to my big 'ol belly and figured I wouldn't be sleeping well anywhere. ... Au contraire!
Last week I finally schlepped myself downstairs and back into my own bed ... and slept straight through the night. When I got up, I took a shower, got ready and put on my makeup, all without feeling like I was going to pass out. Wonder of wonders! And it wasn't a fluke ... I've continued to feel pretty well during the day, as long as I get a decent night's sleep. I still feel like I need to sit down every once in a while, and I can't walk around for long periods of time, but overall I feel so much better. And when I don't get enough sleep, on days like yesterday when I had to get up early, that familiar weak feeling comes right back.
In other news, a friend of ours from church e-mailed me last week to say that she and some of the other ladies want to throw this baby and I a shower! I'm so excited ... and to be honest, more than a little relieved. We've moved 3 times since the Shookie was a baby, and some of the "essentials" we had were ruined or lost. Money, as always, is tight and I wasn't sure how we'd be able to afford everything.
But much more than the booties and blankets and onesies we will be given, I am so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate the miracle that is this baby. How many days, weeks, months and even years went by when I had no idea whether or not we would ever be blessed with another child? Our friends have prayed for us and encouraged us and loved us through those difficult months, and are now so excited for us and can't wait to meet this little guy. That being said, I wish all of you could be with me to celebrate too. In truth, when things were really hard, I came here and poured my heart out ... and the care and support all of you gave me got me through it all. Not to mention the fact that I've actually known many of you longer than my friends here in B'klyn, lol. Anyhow,I wish you could be there with me!
Last but not least, I had an u/s yesterday to make sure the baby is growing o.k. (thrombophilia can affect this). He sure is! They estimated the baby to be 3lbs,12oz. right now, which would put him on pretty much the same track that his big brother was on (the Shookie at 35 weeks weighed 5 lbs., 6 ozs.). And, he had flipped around a little and was head down instead of being transverse like last week. I think he's still flipping around a bit, so I'm not sure he's still in that position, but at least I know he's heading in the right direction. Now if I can just keep him there. =)
That's all for now, folks!!